About us

Panca Budi Tbk is founded by Djonny Taslim. Panca Budi Tbk is one of the largest plastic manufacturing company and has become one of the market leaders for plastic bag products in Indonesia. We manufacture and distribute plastic bag over 43 years (since 1979).

Panca Budi Tbk received ISO 9001 certificate for plastic manufacturing on 2003. Also received Halal certificate from Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and got Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI) on 2013.

Our plastic brands are Pluit, Tomat, Bangkuang, Jeruk, Cabe, 222, Wayang, Gapura, Sparta, Liberty, Dayana, PB, and many more. 'Tomat' brand received Best Brand Award on 2009 and Platinum Best Brand on 2015. And then, 'Wayang' brand received Best Brand Award on 2010 and Platinum Best Brand on 2016.

Panca Budi Tbk also export plastic products to England, German, Netherlands, Spanish, UAE, Nigeria, United States, Taiwan, etc.

Panca Budi
Kawasan Pusat Niaga Terpadu, Jl. Daan Mogot Raya Km. 19,6
Blok D No. 8 A-D, RT.001/RW.001, Kb. Besar, Kec. Batuceper
Tangerang BT 15122
(021) 54365555
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